
Showing posts from February, 2018


Do you know the facts related Apple and i-phones?Here is some facts that I want to share. I hope you will be surprised. FIRST- The beginning of i-phone started not from a phone but from tablet PCs. When tablet PC was designed and shown them to STEVE JOBS then he liked the idea of virtual keyboard and he thought of making it possible with a phone.Then he made first i-phone. SECOND- When the first i-phone launched then the Apple company demanded that there would be no logo or sign of the network providers in i-phone. There would be only the logo of Apple and the strength of the network. This shows that Apple wanted to own all the brandings. THIRD- If I say that the first i-phone was not developed by Apple then will you believe me?Yes.It's right, first i-phone named phone was made by the company named CISCO systems.This company was offering VOIP service means voice over IP.When Apple developed its phone and named it i-phone then the CISCO systems made a copyright

Top Five Creepiest Laws Around The World!!!!

I made a list of top five creepiest laws and rules that are still in action around the world. So check em' out. 1. FLUSHING TOILET AFTER 10 PM In Switzerland, you are not allowed to flush the toilet after 10 PM. It is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 PM because this is counted as noise pollution which means that you are disturbing others at night by flushing the toilet.I mean this is definitely a crazy and dumb rule. What do you think guys? 2. HAVING ONLY ONE CHILD Parents in China are restricted to have more than one child. This is because population in China is too high and the birth rate is very high than the death rate.So to control over population, only one child is allowed to have in China for the parents. But this is not at all right in my perspective because how do you feel if you don't have any brother or sister.In this condition,you feel all alone. Isn't it? 3. UNMARRIED WOMAN PARACHUTING ON SATURDAYS This one is

Time Saving Technologies of 2018..

These technologies will change the future.I mostly the mentioned the technologies that are time saviour to us. So check'em out. FRIGONDAS - Frigondas is a very innovative device that cooks or freezes within seconds you get cooked food and freezed ice instantly.This technology will replace the microwaves in near future.This techonoly provides instant cooling and cooking.I think it's a time saver and will prove cost efficient too.The release of this device is sheduled to be in 2018. NEW SMARTPHONE - A new smartphone is going to be launced for smartphones and techno lovers from Red Smartphones company.This smart phone is going to be amazing and unique and also very advanced. This phone shows holographic view on its screen.So you can also get the 3d view. WRIST BAND - So the new techonology of 2018 is the Wrist Band which measures the alacohol level present in your body.This device looks like a normal band.This might help some people to re